
Abigail Norton-Levering's knitting journal.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Well, I traveled to upstate New York last week. I went to a chaplains' conference for all the chaplains in my denomination, the Reformed Church in America. I won't go into all that happened at the conference, only to say that I knitted much of a pink and orange sock, and also part of a mysterious bag that I can't describe here because of reasons I can't share in this space. (more about this bag later.) I also spent time with my baby nephew Alex and determined that yes indeed, the romper I am knitting for him should fit, at least for a while. That's a secret relief for me.
I wish I could post pictures of these projects in process but at the moment my camera is stuck in New York, with my knitting. That was the tragedy of the week. I left all my knitting behind at my friends' house! Terrible! I felt so lost! I had to start yet another new project, so I wouldn't feel so I think that makes six project in process at the moment...a shawl, a stole for Bill, a baby blanket, those before-mentioned pink and orange socks, the mysterious bag, and the famous romper which I hope to finish before long. I can't wait to post pictures of the romper!!!


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