
Abigail Norton-Levering's knitting journal.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

What I did on my summer vacation

Well, this picture pretty much says it all.

I'm sitting on the futon couch in our cabin in Maine, eating pie, drinking coffee, reading a Harper's Magazine and knitting on Alex's romper, which is almost finished. Aren't those colors great? Next to me is a shopping bag from the new yarn store that opened up in Readfield, only about two miles from our cabin. Can you believe the luck? Of all the places a yarn store could have landed, it had to land in the middle of nowhere, Readfield ME, within walking distance of two of the most fanatical knitters I know: my mother and myself.

Maranacook yarns--that's the name of the yarn store--keeps funny hours. Only Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3-7 PM. And yet somehow I figured out how to sneak over there three times during my short vacation, and I bought something each time.

Add to that the nearness of Water Street Yarns in Hallowell, ME. Which has an amazing selection of yarns and the delightful owner and teacher-in-residence, the beforementioned Libby. I went there three times and bought piles and piles of yarn, I am ashamed to admit.

And...when we were in Michigan, I found another great yarn store, Nautical Yarn, in Ludington. Can you believe it? Because it felt to me like a dream come true. There is not much else in Ludington. But there is a top-notch yarn store, large and well-stocked with anything you could possibly need. I bought some sock yarn there, some lovely Merino wool and the Sockotta mentioned below. The Yarn Harlot calls sock yarn Methadone for knitters. Its really true. Buying sock yarn means that one can go into a store and buy only one or two balls of yarn. And yet somehow I found myself buying SIX balls of sock yarn at Nautical Yarns...Methadone is still a drug, people!

Because of all this purchasing this summer, I now announce that I am going on a yarn-buying fast, which I am not going to break until after Easter of 2006. Really, I am not depriving myself. I have enough yarn to carry me through 2008. I just need to keep reminding myself of this sorry fact, whenever I feel weak and start lurking around on Ebay, looking for good deals.


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