
Abigail Norton-Levering's knitting journal.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Disappointed in London

I'm sitting in a London Internet cafe cursing because all the buttons are in the wrong places on the keyboard. Specifically, the left hand shift key is in the wrong place so \i keep typing "\" whenever \i want to capitalize a letter (witness where \i type "\i").

Also disappointed because there are no real yarn shops in London. Though its my own fault--if I had done any internet research at all prior to my travelling here, I would have discovered the lack of yarn shops. Everybody on the net knows except for me. There is one small yarn shop called Loop but it is CLOSED during the one week I happen to be in London.Turns out knitters in London buy their yarn over the internet from Scotland or the States. Oh, darn.

I suppose its all right, because after all, I am ostensibly on a yarn fast, meaning, I am not supposed to be buying yarn until the end of Lent in the upcoming year (my self-imposed fast, not at the instigation of any other person, like, say, my husband). Even though I allow myself to buy yarn for the knitting ladies at Interim House, and I also permit yarn buying for the Shawl Ministry at church. And every once in a while a bit of yarn I really, really need for a project to be finished. But other than that I really am on a yarn fast. So I suppose I should be grateful there are no yarn shops to be found. But still...I need a size 10.5 circular needle so I can finish that hat for Sarah, and even though I own several 10.5 circs in Philadelphia I don't have one here...what am I going to do? Trapped in a city with no yarn stores?

Too bad for me. I guess I'm going to have to finish the socks for Bill which I gave him, still on the needles, as a Christmas present. Wish I could post pictures but I haven't figured out how to do that here in this London Internet cafe. I'll try to figure it out and post later.


Blogger Abigail said...

No yarn stores!? How do they survive?

7:35 PM  

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