
Abigail Norton-Levering's knitting journal.

Monday, April 02, 2007


The most amazing thing: I brought these tulips home and they looked like regular, picture-book tulips. Then over the course of about an hour several of them opened themselves up madly.

I am so new to flowers that I do not know: do tulips do this ordinarily?

**edited to add: Last night the tulips closed themselves back up again. I didn't know flowers would do that if they weren't still attached to a tree or planted in the ground. Now this morning they are reopening, but more cautiously today--its still only the middle of the morning.


Blogger Bob M said...

Love the flowers. Too bad they don't last longer than they do. Missed the Philly flower show this year.. sad

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Abby!
The tulips are lovely. In my experience they will open during the day and close up at night--until they are really done. Cold water will make them close up and warmer water will make them open. I generally give them fresh cool water every day.
Hope to see you at knitting next Sunday night. I missed the other night because my dad was in the hospital...

10:21 AM  

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