
Abigail Norton-Levering's knitting journal.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Welcome to any new readers...and welcome back to the rest of you.

Well, hello there. Nice to meet you, or see you once again if we are old friends.

Its been a while since I've updated this journal. When I originally started this blog, I planned for it to have a limited scope--no fancy writing, not a lot of self-revelation, only a chronicle of my knitting projects, both in process and finished. But my life got away from me and I stopped blogging awhile back (as you can see from reading my previous entries, when my job started taking most of my time). I haven't stopped knitting of course, for to stop knitting would be like quitting breathing. Impossible.

But things are changing, once again. I've quit that job. I'm moving from Philadelphia, a wonderful city which has nurtured my knitterly spirit in so many ways...the Tangled Web, Rosie's, Loop, Interim House (I do love you!) InFusion Coffee Shop, the St. Michael's knitters, and most of all the terrific, dedicated, fun-loving knitters of Summit Presbyterian Church. I am moving to Niskayuna, a little town in upstate NY, where I will be close to my brother, nephew, and sister-in-law who knits fabulous sweaters, but where I still haven't the faintest idea how to find the local yarn shops.

We're moving to Niskayuna because my husband Bill has accepted a call to be a pastor at the First Reformed Church of Schenectady. I will be looking for work, most likely as a chaplain, either in hospice or in some other setting. If you're reading this please take a moment to pray for me in this time of transition.

In knitting news, I finally finished the socks I've been knitting for Bill for about 14 months. I finished them on Christmas Eve. Rather fitting since I presented them to him the first time LAST Christmas, when there were still on the needles.

I think he likes them, though I am not sure. I think he likes them in the same way he likes our cat Velvet Jane, which is this way: he protests loudly that he cares nothing for the cat, that he is a DOG and FERRET person only. Then when he thinks I am nowhere around I hear him talking to the cat in a silly affectionate way, and he allows her to sit on his chest. So I think he likes the socks, but only when I am not around.

If I can get him to put on the socks while I am in the room, I will take a picture to post on this blog.