
Abigail Norton-Levering's knitting journal.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

That d**n job

is keeping me from blogging these days. Give me another couple of days and I'll post progress pictures on my I DO shrug, which I am knitting in green Tahki Cotton classic, by the way. Its coming out impressive looking, even if I'm not sure its exactly beautiful. We'll see how it is when its blocked. I am just remembering something Rabbitch said once, something along the lines of how lace always looks like chickens**t before it's blocked. I'm counting on the truth of her wisdom.

Wow, what's up with the language in this entry? Pretty crappy, I'd say. Guess I'm grumpy for the lack of any kind of blog activity whatsoever for the past month.

Oh, and the wedding is scheduled for memorial day weekend. Coming up pretty quick!


Blogger Francesca said...

Ooooh - who's getting married? I like the I Do shrug very much and will be curious to see yours all laid out.

I am knitting lace too and also counting on the chicken shit to something wonderful transition.

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're fine! I look forward to seeing the shrug.

6:07 PM  
Blogger Rabbitch said...

Actually the description of unblocked lace is "a bucket of boiled ass" *g*.

You're welcome.

Looking forward to seeing the shrug. It's one of the few things from Knitty that I've ever liked.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Angi said...

Hey Abby
Did the D**N job swallow you whole? We miss you out here in blogland!

4:17 PM  

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